From:Mark Virtue - HarmonySite <>
Sent:Friday, 30 June 2023 4:42:46pm
Subject:Announcing: Our "Announcements" Archive

An interesting announcement today:  An online archive of our Announcement emails.  We've made ALL of these announcement emails available in a website (except the one you're reading right now!).


The archive of all 140 emails, dating back to 2012, is now available here:

It's now part of our regular "Online Help Guides" ( - find it at the bottom of that page).


Why have we done this?  Why do we think this would be useful for anyone?  Well, several reasons...


  1. These announcements actually contain a lot of useful information, such as the steps involved in using many of the new features we announce.  Sometimes these steps/instructions are not reproduced anywhere else, not even in the regular help guides.

    Because these announcements are now integrated into our regular Online Help system, they will be included in its search results.  So if you search for "attendance" (for example), the page listing the announcements will be included in the search results (you may still need to do a CTRL-F ("find on this page") on the Announcements page to find what you're looking for).

  2. People who have recently signed up for a HarmonySite will have never received the older announcements.  So this Archive is a page where they can review what's been happening.

  3. If you actually take some time to read down the list, you'll almost certainly discover features in your HarmonySite that you never knew existed, which may help you run your website and group just that little bit easier.

  4. For those that are unaware of just how much development of the HarmonySite platform has been happening over the years, this Archive serves as a perfect timeline for the release of new features, etc.  You can see just how much improvement has been made to the HarmonySite package over the past 10 years.

Imagine if your HarmonySite DIDN'T have all the features listed in that Archive!  People still found HarmonySite useful back in 2013, even though ALL of those features were missing.  To the groups that have been around since then:  Thank you for believing in us, and I hope we've made your lives easier over the years by adding the features you've been asking for (and many that you haven't).


In harmony,


Mark Virtue



+61 2 8005 4277 (Australian number)

In North America, call:  1-415-651-7009 (San Francisco number)

Skype name:  mvirtue

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