From:Mark Virtue - HarmonySite <>
Sent:Friday, 12 May 2023 8:06:03am
Subject:Latest new features in your HarmonySite

Dear HarmonySite administrator,


Here is the list of the latest new features in your HarmonySite (not counting the new Mercury theme, and it's "dark mode" and font-size options)...


1.  Our own website has been revamped


Not that this affects you much, but our own website,, has been revamped.  The old one was getting a bit dated.  Aside from the fresh coat of paint, nothing much has changed there, so moving on...


2.  No longer forced to send member invoices when creating them


It is now possible to create member invoices WITHOUT sending them to the member(s) in question.


The process for issuing invoice is the same as before (on the "Financial Members Report), but now when you go to click the "Create/update invoices" button, you have the option to UNTICK the box called "Email invoices".  If you untick that box, the invoice(s) will be generated but not sent to the member(s).


This can be useful for testing the invoicing system, amongst other things.





[Association-Level HarmonySites] Events now have a Time-zone


This is only for HarmonySites that represent associations of singing groups, like SAI regions, HI areas, BHS districts, BHA, BHNZ, etc (parent bodies).  When you create an events on one of those HarmonySites, you can now specify the event's time-zone.  This is because associations like this often work across multiple time-zones.




Event Tickets - new report:  Ticket Holders


For events where you use HarmonySite to sell tickets, we now have a new report on the ticket holders.  You will find a new button on the "Manage Tickets" page...



Clicking this new button will open a new tab in your browser with a list of all ticket-holders, sorted by last name, as follows...


A close-up of a ticket holder

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

This report is suitable for printing and having copies at the door of your event, perhaps to check guests names as they arrive.


This report also includes tickets printed "offline" - tickets NOT purchased through your website's shopping cart, but created by an admin using the "Print offline tickets" links on that page.  This includes "complimentary" tickets.




In harmony,


Mark Virtue



+61 2 8005 4277 (Australian number)

In North America, call:  1-415-651-7009 (San Francisco number)

Skype name:  mvirtue

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