From:Mark Virtue - HarmonySite <>
Sent:Sunday, 2 April 2023 1:02:17pm
Subject:Gmail images issue resolved

Dear HarmonySite administrator,


We recently had an issue where emails sent from the "Send Email" page in your HarmonySite to GMAIL recipients were having a small problem:  The IMAGES in the emails were not being shown within Gmail.  If the emails were downloaded to some other email program (e.g. Microsoft Outlook), then the images would be displayed just fine in that email program - just not within Gmail itself.


The issue is now resolved.  Images sent from the "Send Email" page in your HarmonySite to Gmail recipients will now be visible inside Gmail.


For those that care, the issue was that the IP address of the "Gmail image proxy server" was blocked in our server's firewall.  It's unblocked now.


In harmony,

