From:Mark Virtue - HarmonySite <>
Sent:Thursday, 2 March 2023 12:22:55pm
Subject:Members Area Icons - and an offer

Dear HarmonySite administrator,


As you know, there's a set of icons on your main Members page, for your members to easily access the various parts of your HarmonySite Members Area.  There are several things that you may not know about these icons...



If those topics are of interest, read on...



1.  You have a lot more icons available to choose from


In case you're not aware, there are many more icons available to choose from in your HarmonySite.  So if you wish, you can add new icons to your Members Area.  Here's the current full set:  You have an identical page in your own HarmonySite.  Note that that page simply lists available icons - it's NOT a whole new set of functionality for your HarmonySite.  Clicking on any icon on that page will do nothing.


If you would like to add a new icon to your HarmonySite main Members page, for your members to click on to access some page in your site, do the following...


  1. Ensure you're logged in as an administrator
  2. Click the "Admin" link in the top-right corner to view your Admin Dashboard
  3. Click the "Site Navigation Menu" link
  4. Click the "Add new navigation link" button in the top-right corner
  5. Fill out the fields...
    1. Enter any "Text to display" you want
    2. Nominate the page that the icon should link to (select it from the drop-down list called "Page from this website")
    3. The "Parent" should be your main Members menu, usually called "Public Access - Members (80)" (or similar)
    4. The "Display ranking" specifies where this icon should be positioned within the set of icons.  If you get it wrong, the icon can easily be dragged into a better position, if necessary, on the "Site Navigation Menu" page
    5. The "Members page icon" field is the important one here.  Just below the spot for the icon, there's some yellow help text.  In that help text there's a link called "Members Area Icons".  Click that link to see all available icons to choose from.  When you have chosen the one you want, copy its name (e.g. icon-assessments.png), and paste it into the spot on the previous page.
      IMPORTANT:  You must ALSO copy/paste the text in the yellow help box that reads /brostools/applications/singing/images/icons/   So the contents of that box will look something like:  /brostools/applications/singing/images/icons/icon-assessments.png
    6. The "Members page text" field is optional text that members will see in a little pop-up "tooltip" when they hover their mouse over the icon on the main Members page
    7. Ignore the "Display ranking in footer" box
    8. Set the "Access Level required" to either "Restricted Member Access" or "Regular Member Access"
    9. Do not select ANYTHING from the "Only display up to" drop-down.
  6. Click "Save" at the bottom when you're done.
  7. Visit your main Members page, and you'll hopefully see your new icon.



2.  Create new icons that have ANY text on them


If the available icons don't meet your needs, you can create an icon with ANY text on it, but no picture.  For example:



To do so, follow the steps above, and make sure...



That's it!  That's all that's required.


If the text you entered for the icon is too big, and it is truncated or overflows, please email and we can fix it for you (or if you know CSS, you can fix it yourself!).



3.  If you would like pretty new icons, order them from us!


Perhaps you have already created several "free text" icons, and you're unhappy with how messy they make your Members Area look.  For example...



You can ask us to create new icons for you, with nice pictures on them, to replace the "free text" ones you created (or for any purpose you want).  We charge $20 per icon to do so (or £15 if you're in the UK) (and GST added for Australian groups).


We would need you to tell us the following, for each icon you want...



You can order as many icons as you want.


We'll tally all the replies we get, and compile a list of new icons for our graphic designer to create.  So it might be a few weeks before the new icons are available.  Also, we may find that more than one group wants the same icon created.  If that's the case, we'll split the cost between those groups (so if 2 groups want the same icon, we would charge each group $10).


So send through the list of icons you want.  Please have the list submitted BEFORE Friday March 17th.  If you send your list after that, the icons won't get created.


In harmony,


Mark Virtue



+61 2 8005 4277 (Australian number)

In North America, call:  1-415-651-7009 (San Francisco number)

Skype name:  mvirtue

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