From:Mark Virtue - HarmonySite <>
Sent:Friday, 13 November 2020 1:50:57pm
Subject:Improvements for the visually impaired

Dear HarmonySite administrator,


You may already be aware of HarmonySite's "Visually Impaired Mode", which you can set by visiting the page of the same name - the link to this page is at the top of your Administration Dashboard.  Well, this "mode" has now been improved significantly, with its own new template for viewing pages, optimised for the visually impaired.  For example, there are no pull-down site navigation menus in this template, as pull-down menus usually require a mouse to work.  Instead, the menu items are all listed in the left margin.


If you have anyone with sight difficulties in your group, then let them know about this new improvement.  Visit the "Visually Impaired Mode" page yourself, and decide on a way to direct your visually impaired member to that page (perhaps send them the link to the page, or create a link somewhere in your HarmonySite that they'll be able to easily access).


When this mode is set, it STAYS set, for at least a couple of months (for that one member in that one browser).


Also, when you're in visually impaired mode, with the navigation menu on the left, there's a link right at the top of the left margin, which allows you to return from visually impaired mode into normal mode.


Please let me know of any issues or suggestions.


In harmony,


Mark Virtue



+61 2 8005 4277

Skype name:  mvirtue