From:Mark Virtue - HarmonySite <>
Sent:Thursday, 13 August 2020 4:04:52pm
Subject:HarmonySite now has an API

Dear HarmonySite Administrator,


Your HarmonySite now has an API - an Application Programming Interface. That means that a programmer can connect to your HarmonySite and read any of the information in its database.  They may want to do this so that they can develop their own computer program or smartphone app that will benefit your organisation in some way.


It's Safe!


Please note that this API is fully secure.  The API will not even be enabled on your HarmonySite unless you tell us you want it enabled.  Moreover, any programmer attempting to access this data must provide a valid username and password - from your logins database.


Note that we will not enable the API for your HarmonySite unless your HarmonySite has an SSL security certificate.


Why have we done this?


We have reason to believe that if we open up the HarmonySite ecosystem in this manner, then any interested programmers around the world will be able to start developing computer programs or smartphone apps that interact with HarmonySite in useful ways.  We tried this once before, for the website (yes, we created that one too).  When we added a simple API, it allowed developers to create smartphone apps that accessed that huge library of tags, making all the tags accessible by any phone, which revolutionised Barbershop tag singing around the world.  We didn't anticipate that, and similarly, we can't anticipate what useful ideas will come out of this new API.


If you are not a programmer, or have no need for any known program or smartphone app to connect to your HarmonySite's database, then you can ignore this email.


If you are a programmer, and would like to learn more about how to use this new API, please read our new help guide:


Any questions, please reply to this email directly.  No need to bother our support department.


In harmony,


Mark Virtue



+61 2 8005 4277

Skype name:  mvirtue