From:Mark Virtue - HarmonySite <>
Sent:Wednesday, 15 July 2015 12:36:16pm
Subject:New USA telephone number

HarmonySite has a new contact telephone for people calling from North America.


Yes, HarmonySite's only office is in Australia, but through the magic of the technology, we now have a new telephone number in San Francisco:




This is a local call in San Francisco, and a regular USA long-distance call from phones elsewhere in the USA or Canada.


If you call that number, my mobile phone here in Australia will ring, and - hopefully - I'll answer it.  The cost of re-routing that call from San Francisco to Australia is paid for by us - not by you.


So if you're one of our North American clients, and have balked at the cost of calling Australia for HarmonySite support, you now only have to call San Francisco!


Feel free to give it a try.



