From:Mark Virtue - HarmonySite <>
Sent:Thursday, 18 June 2015 1:18:00pm
Subject:New HarmonySite module: Productions

Dear HarmonySite Administrator,


We have just released a new module for your HarmonySite:  "Productions".


In HarmonySite, a "production" is typically a theatrical or musical show, one that runs over one or more performances.  The Productions Module in HarmonySite was created to facilitate the promotion of these productions to your site visitors.


A "production" can be thought of as a collection of events - typically "performance" events - gathered together on one page with some promotional content (banner photo, description, venue & map, attached program/flyer, etc).  The production's page also includes links to each of the individual performance events.  In this way, a "production" record in the HarmonySite database can be treated as an umbrella for a set of event records.


As well as a collection of events, you can also specify a collection of "roles" for a production.  A production's set of roles can include the cast, the crew, the ensemble or chorus, the orchestra or band, the creative team (director, writer, producer, etc), the backstage team, the support team, etc.  All the roles you create for a production are displayed on the production's page.


This new Productions module was specifically created for HarmonySite groups that are theatre companies.  It can also be used for any group that has annual shows, Christmas shows, etc.


If this is of interest to your group, and you would like to set this up on your HarmonySite, please visit our help page:




If you have any suggestions as to how this new module could be improved, please let us know.


With the completion of this module, HarmonySite is now perfectly suited to theatre groups.  If you know of any local theatre groups that could benefit from the features of HarmonySite, please let them know about us (  Don't forget, we pay a significant referral fee when you connect us with new groups (


What's Next for HarmonySite?


·         Our next development, due to be completed very soon, is our two new mobile-friendly themes.  You can see a preview of them here:

·         Once that's done, we'll be releasing our module for selling event tickets direct from your website.  Your visitors will be able to buy tickets to your shows directly from your website, and pay for them using various payment methods, including secure credit card.


As always, if you have any questions or issues, please don't hesitate to contact me.




Mark Virtue



business: +61 2 8005 4277

mobile: +61 411 170517

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